Sunday, June 21, 2015

First Impressions

Hi everybody!

Who knew locusts were so beautiful?
So sorry my promise of a new post was delayed. First, we we're having internet problems and now we are starting to get busy as we make plans with people, catching our "groove" in service here, and feeling comfortable enough to explore a little. Here is a little post of our first impressions of the country, the people, and everyday things. Hope you enjoy reading and we'll post again soon!:

So I asked Tyler what word summed up his first impression of Panama?


I agree all the way. Things are very much simpler in so many ways. Most of the ways are good and we embrace them even if certain things will take some time to get used to. The sun rises around 6 every day, and starts to set around 6. That's about 12 hours of sunlight but we usually hit the hay around 11, so thats about 17 hours of activity, but we find that each  day here feels like a week! Most Panamanians starts their day early and work with their hands at whatever they find to do or out and about in town. You really can't help but to get up early here. The early sun, the chickens and car horns and people (atleast where we live now) will help you get up bright and early. Its so funny, when people have come to take us to the meeting or go out in service, they come about an hour early! I'm starting to like it though, because it's helping me see that if you do everything you need to do as early as you can, you have lots of time to do whatever your heart wishes later! And because things are simpler, people spend time with one another, say "Good Day" to everyone that passes, eat good meals cooked from scratch and are able to experience life in a different way than we do in America. There is so much more time for studying also!! 

This little guy is a pet that hangs out in a shop near a brother's house.
 The country is very blended as far as colors. There are so many different people that came to this country during the building of the Panama Canal that now lots of people have a little bit of everything in their ancestry. I think that's why everyday I see someone that looks like someone I've seen before. There are even many Asian people that are fully Panamanian, with the perfect Panamanian Spanish.

People here live simpler lives, most likely because of education and money. Many people are very poor, and those that are considered to have more don't have what the average american would consider as super nice although we visited an area where many locals are living far better than Tyler or I have.
Tyler did all of this (you can see him in the far-left)
Panama has so much beauty, and the people are hardworking and full of ingenuity and originality so its hard to see the country and the people in the state that a lot of the country is in. But it is the same way all over the world. America has been dealt "prosperity" but I think the model that modern America and "Westerners" sets as a culture (which has spread the world over) is not something I want to want aspire to. Simpler feels better.

Speaking of simple...we don't have a fridge, washer or dryer, full stove, air conditioner, or clean tap water. But we are living in the same town as people that have dirt floors, no walls, and partially open ceilings. How could you complain when you really think about it?

Another thing we like is that there is fruit everywhere!!!!! Everything that can grow here grows like crazy! In our yard we have corriander, coconut, star fruit, "nanci", noni, papaya, plantains, bananas and I feel like I'm forgetting some. We've seen tons of mangoes, almonds, "mamon", bread fruit, avocado, custard apple, cashew, lemons, oranges (which aren't naturally orange apparently), grapefruit, and lots more!
Huge Star fruit
Noni fruit

There are a lot of good things here, and one of those things is that most everyone will talk about God. They "love" God here. The name of Jehovah is even on many cars and buses. God is talked about everywhere, even in commercials. This makes preaching easy, and yet, I suspect hard. Just like in South Georgia, most everyone will listen out of the respect they have for the bible but they have their own religion. But those that long for a change in this world will have to chance to know Jehovah.

All these awesome things being said, when we first arrived to our house, it was almost a freak out moment. Living in a very economically suppressed, rural area with bugs and critters and in a house that really isn't what an american would expect is hard. Its hard to see all the stray, skinny, diseased dogs. Its hard to not have clean water or to not know when your water is going to suddenly cut off. Or when the next power outage is. Its hard to be a thousand miles away from home and you can't really communicate to anyone the complete feelings of your heart. The sights, sounds, and smells can be overwhelming at times. BUT with all that being said, with time, we feel more comfortable, like this could be a home. What has really made us feel this way? Its the friends Jehovah has given us! The first couple of hours that we arrived to the city we live in was rough. Everything hit us. But we prayed and Jehovah heard us. We needed to feel that we had people near that would willingly help us and love us for what we wanted to do here. And Jehovah showed us that they were there! I don't have pictures of everyone yet, but I will add more in a future post.

This was taken on the first night in Puerto. Jehovah's answer to our prayers.

Nati, he and his wife Vanessa have been great friends

The Hall
Panoramic View

Kenny. We went to the beach with him and his wife and got caught in the rain so we ran all the way back. Before we left we saw the cloud and he said, "We have time to go and come back, I think" It was a lot of fun :)

Charlyn, very smart and a preaching machine!
Tyler's comment preparation, a sister next door brought him another cup of coffee while he was drinking the first cup. He was happy :)


Ok, that will be tonight's post but I will make another post soon. There's so much to say, so I know I forgot a lot, but if you have any questions just comment and I'll answer them!


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